DABBLER IN DRABBLES is done and dusted. There are 1000 drabbles here (with the meta-inserts 1008 in total) and they are mostly self-contained microfictions, but there are mini-epics too, cycles and sequences of tales that often overlap with each other.
A huge cast of characters populate these drabbles, many of them frequent visitors to the text as it evolves through the individual stories.
Be prepared to meet Three-Armed Jake, Leo the Walking Skeleton, Travis the Stick Man, Curious Bertie, Bunny Grunter, Cranny Faddock, The Discourager, Bookmarkus Aurelius, Silverfake, the painter Elbigelli (with the illegible signature), Charlotte Creeps, Malta Witty, Fibba Flobba, Explorer Jones, Blob Hope, Spooky, Frightful and Boo, Editor Jenkins, Truman Quixote, Gothario, The Boast Gusters, Jellyfish Morton and many many more, not to mention Polyphemus, the cyclops who is telling the tales, and Chiron, the centaur who is listening to them.