Thursday, 15 June 2023

Starfish Wish

Starfish Wish (2023)

"Once upon a time there was a book, a collection of modern fairy tales and fables, and this book lived in the uncharted regions of availability. It featured 27 stories, and each one of those stories was a prisoner of the book. The book was rather like a dragon in this regard and the stories were like damsels in distress. The book guarded the stories jealously but no knight ever came to rescue them. Until now. Yes, the reader is the true knight and the act of reading is the method by which the stories can be set free. The stories will escape from the book into the head of the reader where they will be free to enjoy life. You are the reader, the hero of this adventure. Unsheathe your eyes and prepare to do battle!"


Sinbad's Ear * The Cowardly Custard Apple * The Thinnest Warrior * The Sea Indoors * Where Everyone Wins * Walking the Wrong Plank * The Prodigal Beard * Fable with Turkish Coffee * The Dog-Eared Gods * Starfish Wish * The Mirror in the Looking Glass * Silky Salathuel * The Tongue * The Taste of Turtle Tears * The Thinnest Book in the World * Worse Than his Bite * The Melon Seller * Market Forces * The Backwards Aladdin * The Iron Age * The Underwater Trapeze * The Chopsy Moggy * The Giant Woman * Curtains for You * Double Atlas * The Wrong Lamp * Bringing it Back