Thursday, 23 November 2023
My Big Glib Book of Flippant Fairy Tales
My Big Glib Book of Flippant Fairy Tales (2023)
Flippant Fairy Tales. Also fables, parables, flash fictions, routines, conceits and rambunctiously inflated flapdoodles. Hundreds and hundreds of pages of inventive whimsy, excessive exploits, absurd adventures and paradoxical picaresques.
Sinbad's Ear * The Fairy And The Dinosaur * The Dungeon * Zumbooruk * The Post Office * Nookie Nocking * A Quick Drink * Diplomatic Immunity * The Spanish Cyclops * He Was Mighty * The Days Of The Turbans * The Cowardly Custard Apple * The Desiccated Sage * The Moon And The Well * The Thinnest Warrior * Pinocchio's Brother * Humbaba * Two Fat Men In A Very Thin Country * The Six Sentinels * But It Pours * Knight On A Bear Mountain * A Word In Your Shell-Like * The Caravan * Below The Carnival * Something Fishy * The Sea Indoors * Climbing The Tallest Tree In The World * Every Single Day * Pirates Of The Carob Bean * The Oceans * My Nose * Where Everyone Wins * The Stuffed Goddess * The Shy Desperadoes * Ocean Of Words * Walking The Wrong Plank * The Prodigal Beard * Sending Freedom Far Away * The Impregnable Fortress * His Unstable Shape * The Tallest Midget * Fable With Turkish Coffee * The Kissable Climes * My Index Finger * Siddhartha * Waiting For Breakfast * Simple Physics * Fabulists Of Failure * The Palace * Likeable Mouse * The God Of Thunder * The Dog-Eared Gods * Islands In The Bathtub * The Juggler * Daedalus * The Coffee Drinker * Pressed Flowers * How Cold Is It? * Dr Jekyll * Hogwash And Bum Note * The Slipper Exchange * Apeman Dilemma * Bending The Knee * Curtains * Hassan-I-Sabbah * The Non-Existent Viscount In The Trees * The Memory Palace * The Time Tunnel Orchid * Starfish Wish * When The Microscopic Giants Took Over Happenstance * The Mirror In The Looking Glass * Zeno Said * The Expanding Room * The Path Of Garden Forks * A Gorgon Reversed * Unsung Space Monster * Venus And Stupid * The Soft Landing * Bathtime For Moons * The Hippy Beach * Milk And Ladders * The Knees * Von Ryan's Daughter's Express * The Bungle Duke * Najort Esroh * The New Knight * Sorites Speculation * A Cosmic Fox * The Truth Is Out There * Vampires In Space * The Sleeping Bag * King Midas * Point X * The West Pole * Bangers The Mash * Net Profit * Defending Oneself * Silky Salathiel * Fringes And Bangs * Monsieur Choux * The Rowing Machine * Market Forces * A Real Nowhere Man * The Mouth Of Hell * The Strings Of Segovia * Paired Down * French Toast * The Target * The Bailiff * The Curtains * Napoleon * Little People, Inc. * Stand And Deliver * The Caveman * Fox In Socks * A Glass Of Wine * Trophy Wife * The Goat That Gloated * Above His Station * The Parable Of The Homeless Fable * The Plug * The Queue * Silly Goose * Chins * The Skeleton * Your Arm In Mine * Fossils * Sheer Lunar Sea * My Bearable Smugness * An Unusual Bat * Evolution * The Rock Pool * The Tarnished Rule * Too Many Characters * Beyond Paraparapara * The Pig Iron Mouse Dooms The Moon * Fat Cat Fable * The Optimistic Hypochondriac * Two Buddhists * The Discus Thrower * Worse Than His Bite * Seeker After Wisdom * The Motherlode * On The Threshold * Bookmark * Educated Shapes * Kafka's Birthday * Soup Of Fools * The Lucky Black Cat * Three Wise Men * Trojan Horse * Be The Change * The City That Was Itself * The Labyrinth * Universe Tower * Vampires! * More Vampires! * Antimatter Pasta * The Pancake Hurler * The Sundial * The Long Ward * The Bomb Scare * The Mice Will Play * Hagouth Town * The Melon Seller * The Dusky Birron Returns * The Flying Fish * The Magical Eye * A Lot On His Platypus * Ship Of Ghouls * Sexing The Confection * Gone With The Wind In The Willows * The Backwards Aladdin * The Iron Age * Lady, Tiger And Protozoon * Cats' Eyes * The Siege * And Follow Me * Her Face Was Flushed * The Dark Horse * Virgil Leading Dante Into Hell Takes A Wrong Turning * The Precious Mundanity * Invisible Letters * Divided Island * Love Keys * Perpetual Motion * The Library * The Underwater Trapeze * Old Eros * Washing Our Hands * Ajax * In Moonville * In Sunsetville * In Eclipseville * Cat O' Nine Tales * Eggs * In My Own Hands * Daggers * Velocity Of A Kiss * When I Discovered Laziness * Fables From Farout Stables * Solomon * Fifty Cups Of Lady Grey * Veronica Lake * Get A Room * Ariadne * The Landscape Player * The End Of The Road * Penal Colony * The Plate Pagoda * The Chopsy Moggy * The Silver Necks * Anton Arctic And The Conquest Of The Scottish Pole * The Thinnest Book In The World * Oranges And The Arrows * Certain Books * The Man Toucan * Don Quixote * The Octopus And The Clock * The Giant Woman * The Sculptors * Fable Of The Flames * The Stone Collector * The Tired Bed * The Lazy Dictator * The Tattoo * The Dice And The Coins * The Illuminations * The Cigar * The Doubles * Weather Patterns * The Explorers * The Wandering Pole * Listening To Leonora * The Windmill * The Colonel's Head * The Pyramid Museum * Mystic Optometrist * Russian Doll * The Wooden Salesman * Arms Against A Sea * Curtains For You * The Chocolate Princess * My Beetroot Brow * The Two Kingdoms * The Hidden Sixpence * How To Wake Up * The Glowing Review * The Atheist Dog * Seven League Boots * Noah's Ark * The Book Pages * Plate Armour * Something More Comfortable * The Seal Of Disapproval * The Casual Comment * Flash In The Pantheon * Chaucer * Small Freedom * Scaffolding * Whirlwind Romance * The Vicious Circle * The Matchmaker * The Blanket Ban * Doom Laden Haven * The Metaphorical Marriage * The Locksmith * Owls Are A Hoot * The Snail Path * Gorgon But Not Forgotten * The Sink Monster * Stale Air * Better The Devil * The Fire Jump * The Holiday Makers * Tarzan In India * Potato Soup * The Infringement * Duke Electron * The Sea Thief * The Stairway Zoo * The Mushroom Cloud * All Your Belongings * The Ledge Nymphs * Geronimo * The Achilles Tendency * Down In The Park * The Cakes Of Gehenna * Double Atlas * The Dirtiest Ararat * A Corking Tale * All The Waiting * The Wrong Lamp * The Strongest Monster * The Opposite Of Moons * Sun Soup * The Unfair Funfair * The Meltwater Republic * Into The Wild * The Bubble Bursts * The Realisation Of Vast Headgear * When Clowns Collide * Cooking Soup On A Burning House * Sinbad Is Glad * Head Office * Shoe Stones * The Parrot * On The Hour * X Marks The Spot * The Speech Bubble * The Reverse Oasis * Bringing It Back * The Wall Builders