Wednesday, 8 November 2023

The Golden Fleas

The Golden Fleas (2023)

"The Golden Fleas contains previously uncollected work that is among my earliest surviving fiction. In fact, this new book has been created primarily for those select few readers who have expressed a wish to read all my stories. When I recently examined the contents of my published collections to date I noted that many of the stories I wrote between the years 1989 and 1995 don't appear in any of my books. These stories are cruder than my later fictions, true, but I do believe they have some value..."


Interview with the City Treasurer * Circular Reasoning * The World Idiot * Stepping Out * Lucy * The Cellar Door * Landing * Time Lapse * On the Deck * Learning to Fly * Be Like You * Something About a Demon * The Landscape Player * Seven Fables of Yearning * Mr Found in a Bottle * The Queen of Jazz * Dr Perambulator Wants to Marry an Aubergine * The Sealed Room * The New Men * Three Dancers * The Octopus Jar * Walpurgis * Celia the Impaler * The Wardrobe Tree * The Big Lick * Mastitis Groan * The Laughing Policeman in the Foreign Legion * A College Story * Learning to Fall * The Swiss Family Abacus * A Horse Called Man * The King and Eye * The Golden Fleas